Drug Crimes


Meth on the Rise in Minnesota

Methamphetamine  is a drug that works by increasing the level of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is a chemical released in the brain associated with reward, motivation, pleasure, and motor function. Increasing the...

| July 14, 2015 | Drug Crimes
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Most Common Drugs Used In Minnesota

Minnesota has seen some new and unusual drugs come into the limelight lately. If you are the parent of teenagers it can sometimes be a daunting task protecting children from the dangers of the unknown....

| June 26, 2015 | Drug Crimes
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Marijuana Buds & Dabs

Marijuana Wax in Minnesota; What You Should Know

Scientists or medical professionals have rarely cited marijuana as a truly dangerous drug. The drug certainly decreases brain function and over time can cause brain damage, however, it comparison with many other Schedule I Substances, marijuana...

| May 27, 2015 | Drug Crimes
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marijuana cannabis leaf background

How Much Marijuana Can I Carry in MN?

The country has undergone somewhat of a cultural shift when it comes to marijuana. The once strictly prohibited drug has seen a major increase in levels of acceptance over the past few years. Most notably,...

| April 23, 2015 | Drug Crimes
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Concept image of a dark shadow of a would-be thief look to entry a factory installation.

Top 5 Drug Crime Defenses

While all drug cases are not the same they commonly have some of the same defenses.  Below is the top 5 defenses to a drug crime in Minnesota. 1. ILLEGAL SEARCH: The 4th amendment protects individuals...

| June 4, 2013 | Criminal Defense, Drug Crimes
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drugs in the form of crystals on a black background

Meth Crimes In Minnesota

MANKATO METH DEFENSE ATTORNEY Methamphetamine (Meth) Crimes in Minnesota Drugs and felony charges:  sadly not a recipe for a happy, upbeat blog post.  If you’ve been charged with a methamphetamine-related crime, though, you need to...

| May 20, 2012 | Drug Crimes
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