Mankato-Separation-Agreements-LawyerWhen a marriage seems to be ending, both spouses can be overwhelmed with important family decisions. The weight of these decisions can increase depending on children and joint financial obligations.

If you want to live apart from your spouse but do not want a divorce, obtaining a legal separation may be a viable option. A skilled family attorney from Kohlmeyer Hagen, Law Office, Chtd. could investigate your available options. Working with a Mankato separation agreements lawyer could ensure that you understand the benefits of legal separation and what it may entail.

Informal Separation and Legal Separation

The term separated is often used to describe when spouses are living apart. This does not have to be a result of a formal legal proceeding. Instead, these types of informal separations can remain between the spouses.

However, Minnesota allows a married couple to obtain a legal separation according to Minn. Stat. § 518.06. Some couples may not want to divorce because of religious convictions or financial reasons, like maintaining insurance coverage. A legal separation formalizes the division of familial duties without ending the marriage, like a divorce.

Sometimes, people are confused about the difference between these two options. A Mankato attorney who specializes in legal separations could help a client decide which option better fits their needs.

Pursuing a Legal Separation Instead of a Divorce

It is necessary to note again that a divorce formally dissolves a marriage. While the result of a divorce and legal separation is different in terms of the status of the marriage, these two processes have some things in common.

Solving Contentious Issues

Both processes can result in similar costs to file these legal actions and be time-consuming. For instance, a divorce and legal separation that involve contentious issues can take a while to resolve.

Child Custody and Support

Additionally, child custody and child support agreements can be reached through legal separation. A custody agreement is needed if a spouse moves out of the family home. Child support obligations can depend on custodial arrangements and if one spouse has a better income than the other.

Dividing Property

A court can also order the division of marital property, like in a divorce. When there is a dispute about what is and is not marital property, a court can make a distinction in a legal separation case.

Even though these processes have many things in common, people ultimately must decide whether to remain legally married. If divorce is not an option, a Mankato legal separation attorney from our firm could assist in navigating potentially complicated matters.

Finding the Proper Path for the Family

Sometimes, there may be conflict between what a spouse wants to do when a marriage is over. One spouse may want to get legally separated, and the other may want to get divorced.

Because legal separation and divorce are two different actions, couples who get divorced after being legally separated will have to go through this process again. If there may be a chance at reconciliation, thoughtfully considering all options is essential. To reduce emotional and financial turbulence, an experienced Mankato separation agreements attorney could help a person understand the next steps they need to take.

Reach out to a Mankato Separation Agreements Attorney for Help With Your Situation Today

Deciding whether to end your marriage or separate is not easy. If you are choosing between a legal separation or another action, consider contacting a Mankato separation agreements lawyer. Our paralegals and legal assistants could reduce the cost of service if you have financial difficulties.

Connect with us to set up a consultation today. We are the largest firm specializing in family law in Southern Minnesota. Our expertise could guide you through a trying time.