Criminal man with handcuffs being interviewed in interrogation room

I Need a Mankato Criminal Attorney

Need a criminal attorney? For many folks being charged with a crime, this is the one and only time they have to deal with the criminal justice system.  The pending charges are the most important issues in their life.  How do you find the right attorney for you then?

When you are looking for a Mankato Criminal Attorney (or one from anywhere else) what should they be able to do:

  • Explain the charges and potential outcome of the charges.  Many crimes have mandatory minimum sentences that the public is not aware of.  A good example of this is a DWI.  An unsuspecting defendant could easily plead guilty to a crime and be subject to extensive jail time.
  • Negotiate a settlement with the prosecutor.  The State has nearly endless resources at their disposal.  It is the job of a good criminal defense attorney to even the playing field.  This includes an extensive review of the facts leaving no stone unturned.    An experienced criminal defense attorney also knows the little “extras” a defendant can do to make the case move smoothly and result in a great plea bargain
  • Be able to answer questions.  Many questions are routine, but some are not.  Every once in a while a question will come up where an attorney will have to answer it with, “I don’t know.”  This is a hard answer to give but it is acceptable in some limited incidents.  A good criminal defense attorney should give timely, accurate and concise answers with options to the Defendant.  No two cases are the same, and all questions are important to understanding the overall goals of a case.
  • Explain collateral consequences.  The unforeseen results of a case can be more devastating than the actual conviction.  Collateral consequences can result in job loss, lost of rights or even loss of a driver’s license.
  • Listen to their client.  A good defense attorney will listen to their client’s side of the story and build a case based upon the facts. This can include hiring an investigator or an expert witness.

While many people want to plead guilty and move on, hiring a good criminal defense attorney can save time, money and freedom in the long run.