Family Law

How Much Does Divorce Cost?

How Much Does Divorce Cost?

When you end your marriage, you need to go to court and have your marriage officially dissolved. Unfortunately, this process costs money. In fact, in some cases, the process of divorcing your spouse can cost you...

| August 8, 2013 | Divorce
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Who Gets to Decide Where the Kids Go To School?

Who Gets to Decide Where the Kids Go To School?

Raising children when you are divorced or no longer together as a couple can be a very complex endeavor. Especially when your dealing with common child custody issues. Lots of decisions need to be made...

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What is Separate Property?

What is Separate Property?

During a marriage, a couple generally makes many shared purchases and co-mingles their finances in many ways. This co-mingling of money creates many complications in the event that the couple decides to get divorced. At...

| August 1, 2013 | Divorce, Spousal Support & Alimony
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Minnesota’s Juvenile Court System

Minnesota’s Juvenile Court System

Minnesota’s Juvenile Courts Most people probably have a general idea that there are separate Minnesota courts for children who are charged with committing a crime.  But what exactly do juvenile courts do, and when could...

| February 16, 2012 | Juvenile Crimes
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