Robbery is one of the most serious theft-related criminal charges you can face. If convicted, you could spend years in prison and deal with damage to your reputation that never goes away. Thankfully, a Rochester robbery lawyer at Kohlmeyer Hagen, Law Office Chtd. can help you fight back.

You are entitled to a vigorous defense; the right approach might help you walk away from this without a mark on your record. Before you plead guilty, consider discussing your options with an experienced theft attorney.

Understanding Robbery Charges

Not all robbery charges are the same under Minnesota law. This offense is divided into three unique criminal charges: simple robbery, aggravated robbery in the first degree, and aggravated robbery in the second degree. The potential penalties for each charge can vary.

Simple Robbery

The most basic form of this crime is known as simple robbery. A person commits the offense when they use or threaten force to take someone else’s property. Force can involve anything from a weapon to striking someone with their fist. There is no need for violence to occur to be convicted of this charge, however. It is enough to take actions that intentionally place someone else in fear of harm.

Aggravated Robbery in the Second Degree

Aggravated robbery in the second degree involves a dangerous weapon, which is an object that can cause death or serious injury. The most common examples of dangerous weapons include guns and knives. When a person commits a robbery by threatening another person with a dangerous weapon, they can face increased penalties related to aggravating factors.

Aggravated Robbery in the First Degree

The most serious of these offenses is aggravated robbery in the first degree. This charge involves using a dangerous weapon to injure someone while taking their property. Our lawyers can help build a strong defense for someone charged with aggravated robbery in Rochester.

Consequences of a Conviction

Every robbery charge is a serious criminal matter, but the penalties that come with a conviction are steeper for aggravated offenses. These charges are always treated as felonies under the law, with simple robbery carrying as much as 10 years in prison upon conviction. There is also a maximum fine of $20,000.

Aggravated robbery carries even more serious consequences. For a second-degree conviction, the maximum prison term is 15 years. This increases to 20 years and a $35,000 fine for first-degree robbery.

There are more than just the statutory penalties to worry about if you are found guilty of these charges. Any felony conviction can make it difficult to find work or adequate housing. A person found guilty of robbery might also face complications with everything from an immigration case to parental rights.

It is important to remember that these consequences only become reality after a conviction. However, with the help of a Rochester robbery attorney, a guilty verdict may be avoided. A skilled lawyer may also be able to negotiate a plea bargain that reduces the severity of these penalties.

Fight Robbery Charges With the Help of a Rochester Attorney

If you have been charged with a crime, now is the right time to speak with a Rochester robbery lawyer. These charges are serious, and a conviction could alter the course of your life forever.

Call Kohlmeyer Hagen, Law Office Chtd. as soon as possible to schedule your confidential consultation.