If you are facing theft charges, you may be feeling overwhelmed. Not only can theft charges lead to substantial prison time, but they can also result in long-term limitations on your freedoms and alter the course of your life. A Rochester theft lawyer can help you develop a tailored defense to protect your rights and increase the chances of a favorable outcome.

It is essential to protect your freedoms and future. A determined criminal defense attorney at Kohlmeyer Hagen, Law Office Chtd. can defend you against the charges and present a compelling case.

Legal Consequences for Theft Charges

Legal consequences for theft charges in the state typically depend on the value of the stolen property, with certain factors contributing to higher penalties. For instance, if the theft involved a firearm or if the stolen item was an explosive substance, penalties may increase. Past convictions may also influence potential penalties.

Items Valued at Less Than $500

The state considers theft of items valued at less than $500 a misdemeanor. A misdemeanor theft conviction can result in up to 90 days in jail and a fine of up to $1,000.

Items Valued Between $500 and $1,000

The penalty for theft increases when the items have a total value between $500 and $1,000. If convicted, a person can spend up to one year in jail and face a fine of up to $3,000.

Items Valued Between $1,000 and $5,000

If the total value of the stolen items is between $1,000 and $5,000, an individual can face up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000.

Items Valued Between $5,000 and $35,000

If the total value of the items stolen is between $5,000 and $35,000, a person may face up to 20 years in prison and a fine anywhere between $20,000 and $100,000.

A theft attorney in Rochester can challenge the evidence, dispute the value of the stolen items, or negotiate for reduced penalties.

Personal Consequences of a Conviction

A theft conviction can also significantly impact an individual’s freedom, including long-term imprisonment for high-value crimes. In addition to legal penalties, individuals convicted of theft may face challenges in their personal lives, such as:

  • Losing their job
  • Difficulty finding housing
  • Trouble securing a job in certain industries

These lasting consequences can make it difficult for a person to rebuild their life, even after they have paid for the crime. A Rochester lawyer can help by negotiating a plea agreement or advocating for alternative sentencing to mitigate the long-term effects of a theft conviction.

Common Theft Defenses

Working with a Rochester attorney is crucial when dealing with theft charges. They can help individuals accused of theft determine the most effective defense strategy for their case. Common defenses include:

  • Lack of intent
  • Mistaken identity
  • Insufficient evidence
  • Returning the stolen property

Legal counsel may also examine how law enforcement handled the search and arrest to ensure the defendant’s rights were respected. They can identify law enforcement errors, such as unlawful search and seizure, entrapment, or evidence mishandling, all of which can impact a case. Additionally, they may negotiate for reduced charges or penalties, depending on the specific facts of the case.

Consult a Rochester Theft Attorney Today To Discuss Your Case

Even minor theft charges can have serious consequences. A Rochester theft lawyer can help ensure that your rights are protected, negotiate for lesser penalties, build a strong defense, and more. Contact Kohlmeyer Hagen, Law Office Chtd. today to discuss your legal solutions and how we may assist you.