student-lawyerWhen you or your child goes off to college, the transition from childhood to adulthood begins. Along with this change into adulthood comes responsibilities, independence, and emotional growth. Sometimes, bad decisions can result from these types of changes, but a tenacious criminal defense attorney can provide essential guidance during this time.

That trouble can be internal, violating the university’s Code of Conduct, such as hazing or drinking, to criminal, for sexual misconduct, or causing a crash with injuries after driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Whether you are facing disciplinary action or criminal prosecution, contacting a Mankato student defense lawyer from Kohlmeyer Hagen, Law Office Chtd. is essential.

Student Disciplinary Actions

All American colleges and universities have adopted a Code of Conduct to alert students and their parents that specific behavior will not be tolerated. Violating the Code, depending on the infraction, can lead to disciplinary actions, such as reprimands, suspension, probation, and in extreme cases, expulsion and criminal charges. Common punishable infractions include:

Disciplinary boards determine how severe punishment for a student’s infraction should be. A Mankato student defense attorney does not directly represent those accused at hearings, but can gather and interpret evidence, interview witnesses, and advise clients during hearings.

Title IX Violations

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a map for how publicly funded institutions, including schools and universities, address student complaints, including those regarding sex and gender. Sexual harassment and rape are two common complaints often lodged against male students by females who report they did not consent to sexual contact.

Title IX offers complainants protection and fair investigations, while those accused are offered due process while disciplinary action is contemplated. These charges overlap criminal ones, and a Mankato student defense attorney should be engaged to protect the accused rights.

Understanding Criminal Charges

The gravity of a sexual assault involves a university’s Code of Conduct, Title IX, and could lead to criminal charges being filed. Students convicted of sexual battery, assault, or rape may have to register as sex offenders, could face jail or prison time, and may have a hard time finding employment, housing, and an agreeable lender. When a campus Code of Conduct issue morphs into criminal charges, it is crucial to involve a Mankato student defense attorney.

Our well-practiced lawyers handle more criminal cases than any other firm in Southern Minnesota, and our successful track record spans more than a combined 50 years of practice. We know how to help clients and are confident enough in our skills that we offer clients a payment plan to ensure they can afford the best criminal defense.

A Mankato Attorney Could Help Defend a Student Today

When you need diligent defense as a student, work with a Mankato student defense lawyer from our firm. We understand the legal ramifications that can happen and help you navigate through them to avoid life-disrupting penalties.

Contact our seasoned attorneys today for a private consultation. We will stand by you on campus and in court.