Possession of a controlled substance is a serious criminal offense. A conviction can result in jail time, fines, and an array of other consequences. While this situation might feel hopeless, the reality is that beating these charges may be possible with the support of a dedicated drug attorney from Kohlmeyer Hagen Law Office, Chtd.

Before you consider pleading guilty, it is vital that you discuss your options with a Mankato drug possession lawyer. In many cases, it may be possible to see these charges dismissed or lessened at trial. A diligent attorney could help you navigate the legal process and advocate for you.

Factors That Impact Possession Charges

There are countless illegal drugs and controlled substances under the law, and the consequences for possessing each of them can vary. The factors that impact these cases primarily involve the type of substance in question as well as the amount allegedly possessed.

Each drug is categorized into one of five schedules. Dangerous narcotics are in Schedule I, while Schedule V primarily includes materials used in the manufacturing of drugs. The volume of these substances is also relevant. Of course, the usable amount of one drug might be different for another. For that reason, even a small amount of LSD or methamphetamine can lead to steep consequences.

It might not always be clear how much jeopardy a person is in following their arrest. A drug possession attorney in Mankato could evaluate the state’s evidence and answer questions about how the case may play out.

Understanding the Consequences of a Conviction

Possession charges can lead to a variety of consequences when a defendant is found guilty. The biggest concern for most people is the threat of incarceration. Nearly all of these cases are treated as felonies, which could mean multiple years in prison or jail. A Mankato attorney could explain that first-time drug possession offenders are frequently able to avoid spending additional time behind bars. However, large amounts of drugs or multiple prior convictions could cause a person to spend many years in a state penitentiary.

Other penalties are also possible. This includes court costs and fines that can run in the thousands of dollars. A felony conviction can also make it challenging to find a job, secure housing, or even remain in the country on a visa.

Common Defense Strategies

One of the major benefits of hiring a Mankato attorney who is skilled in drug possession cases is that they could develop an ideal strategy based on the facts of the case. The right approach might involve challenging the legality of a traffic stop or the search of a person’s home. The violation of constitutional rights could result in the state’s evidence being excluded from trial.

Another option is highlighting the lack of evidence. Every prosecutor has a high burden of proof they must meet in order to secure a conviction. If their case is not strong enough to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, defense counsel might focus their efforts on attacking this deficiency instead of building an affirmative defense. Selecting the right strategy can be challenging, especially without help. Our experienced attorneys could thoroughly review the evidence and identify the right approach.

Let a Mankato Attorney Help You Understand Your Options For Your Drug Possession Case Today

When you have been arrested under suspicion of possessing narcotics, now is the time to act. A strong defense could help you avoid a conviction or lessen the penalties you face.

A Mankato drug possession lawyer could investigate all the facts of a case and work toward securing a positive outcome for you. Contact our firm today to schedule a consultation meeting.