Damage to car after colliding with a traffic light

Minnesota Accident Data Shows Changes Needed

The Minnesota Office of Traffic Safety released 2015 crash data for the state, showing that there was a 14 percent increase in traffic deaths and indicating a clear need for proactive steps to reduce the rate. A total of 411 people were killed during the year, the highest number of deaths that occurred in preventable motor vehicle accidents since 2010.

Leading Causes

The four leading causes of deaths in 2015 were preventable and included impaired driving with 95 deaths, not wearing safety belts with 91 deaths, speeding with 78 deaths and distracted driving with 74 deaths. In addition, 29,981 people were injured in Minnesota accidents during 2015. Car accident lawyers believe that the state should focus on increased enforcement and educational campaigns. People should avoid engaging in risky driving behaviors and should teach their children to do the same.

Increased Enforcement And Education

Car accident lawyers believe that one fairly straightforward solution is to increase enforcement of traffic laws governing problematic driving behaviors. In addition to stepped-up action to address drunk driving, law enforcement officers should target people that they see using their cell phones or engaging in any distracted driving behavior. It might be better if people who speed or don’t wear seatbelts should also be prosecuted to encourage people to change behavior.

People who are pulled over should be provided with literature about the risks of their driving behaviors. Especially egregious violators should have to attend mandatory safety classes. At the same time, traffic safety educational initiatives should be put on in high schools so that teens have a good understanding of what risky driving can result in.

Avoid Risky Behaviors

Adults should never use electronics, smartphones, mess with their stereos or engage in any distracting activity while their vehicles are in traffic or in motion. This includes while they are stopped at stoplights. They should also obey speed limits, wear their seat belts and never drive impaired.

Car Accident Lawyers: Establish Firm Rules

Parents should have firm safety rules. They should have open discussions about safe driving with their teens. Teenagers should be taught to speak out if they are riding in cars that are being driven recklessly. They should not be allowed to use their phones in cars.

Car accident lawyers deal with many sad cases every year. Both the state and its residents need to take action to reverse the trend towards increased death and injury rates.